Michael Janssen

MICHAEL JANSSEN is in his first season as Drum Major of the Hawkeye Marching Band. He graduated from Cedar Rapids Washington High School in 2015 where he performed under the direction of Jim Miller and Joel Nagel. He served as the mellophone section leader for the Warrior Marching band his senior year. Michael has been in various concert bands, symphony bands, honor bands, and jazz bands since middle school. He plays french horn and trumpet. Michael has served as the section leader for the Hawkeye Marching Band mellophone section for the past two seasons. Michael is the Chapter President of Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia, a men's music fraternity on campus at Iowa. In July 2019, Michael was awarded the commission of Drum Major First Class- Mace Style at the Smith Walbridge Drum Major Clinic.
Michael is pursuing a Bachelor of Business Administration in Management from the Tippie College of Business. Michael has completed the coursework for a Minor in Music. He plans on returning to Iowa next year for graduate school to work towards a Master of Arts in Sports and Recreation Management.
Former Drum Majors of the Hawkeye Marching Band
2017-2018 Analisa Iole
2015-2017 Isaac Anderson
2012-2014 Quentin Marquez
2009-2011 Joe Piasecki
2007-2008 Chet Aliga
2005-2006 Jason Hillenbrand
2003-2004 Dameon Place
1999-2002 Pres Maxson
1996-1998 Chad Smith
1994-1995 Charlie Taylor
1992-93 Eric Hojka
1990-91 David Bowman
1988-89 Jeff Sebille
1986-87 David Lang
1984-1985 John Gilbert
1983 Jim Purviance
1981-1982 David Woodley
1980 Doug Dederich
1978-1979 John Nelles
1974-1977 Doug Dederich
1973 Vern Windsor
1970-72 Tom Leslie, Steve Murphy
1968-69 John Gillenwater
1967 Vince Paxcia
1965 Bill Parisi
1962-64 Gerald Kesler, Bill Parisi
1961 Gerald Kesler
1958-60 Robert Glover
1957 Jack Glover, Robert Glover
1956 Jack Glover
1955 Ron Chesmore, Jack Glover
1954 Bob Clarke
1953 Jean Hedgelund, Nathan Ottens
1952 Rollie Bridge, Ray Bierschbach
1951 Theodore P. Stecher, Malcolm K. Westly
1950 Nate Ottens, Carmen Bonnacci
1948 Charles W. McKinley, Arno F. Kapper
1947 Daylon E. McConkay, Charles W. McKinley
1946 John DuMont
1945 Orley K. Anderson, Doris Lotts
1944 Charles Hudson
1943 Rose Day, Mary DuMont
1940 Jean Hedlund, James Burnside
1939 Jean Hedlund, Parley Wellstead
1937 Douglas Brookes, Pat Clemmensen, Parley Wellstead
1928 Floyd E. Barber
1925-26 Ernest H. Gerdes
1924 John A. Phillips
1923 R. J. Dushinske
1919 Joe Benge
1914 _____ Smith
1912-13 Guy W. Taylor
1910-11 Harvey W. Miner
1909 Walter T. Gutz
1906-97 J. E. Burgy
1905 A. C. Wallace
1903 R.V. Mills
1902 W. L. Baughn
1900 Frederick Henry Luhman
1899 Charles Goettsch
1892 H.C. Ring
1891 Charles Dutcher
1890 Milton I. Powers
1887 Don Love
1886 Julius Lischer

Above: Doug Dederich, 1975
Our Hawkeye Marching Band Drum Majors train at the Smith-Walbridge Clinics.
(HMB alums: e-mail Dr. Eric Bush with the names of former HMB drum majors so we can expand this list!)