Articles from May 2020

The Art of Marching
Friday, May 8, 2020
Marching can be a beautiful, exciting experience, and the whole of it can be beautiful and exciting to watch. Hidden behind grid lines and football fans, behind a pre-rehearsal workout and those infamous marching sock tans, is something beautiful. And in that beauty, in the sum of the many un-artistic parts, is an art of its own.

The Morning Scramble - Black and Gold Friday
Friday, May 8, 2020
It’s a black and gold Friday on Z102.9! The Morning Scramble speaks with Dr. Eric Bush, Director of the Hawkeye Marching Band at the University of Iowa. The Hawkeye Marching Band just released an awesome pepped-up, socially distant video with members of the band playing #alonetogether. We share their socially distant Fight Song. (Z102.9 - Morning Scramble)

Iowa Marching Band salutes healthcare workers with virtual fight song performance
Thursday, May 7, 2020
The Iowa Marching Band put together a virtual performance of the fight song to salute healthcare workers working the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic. (KWQC - TV 6)