
Meet the Hawkeye Marching Band Class of 2023
Thursday, May 11, 2023
Meet the students graduating from the University of Iowa in May 2023!

They’re Playing in the Tournament Too, but From the Stands
Thursday, March 30, 2023
Pep bands follow their schools’ teams around the country, providing the soundtrack to games on their instruments.

Roll Along - News From Iowa Bands (February 2023)
Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Ready for the Boom: Inside the Hawkeye Marching Band
Tuesday, December 13, 2022
From preseason camp to game time, go behind the scenes with Iowa’s Golden Girl, drum major, and 250-plus marching musicians.

A Halftime Show for the History Books: Iowa Teams Up with Ohio State
Wednesday, October 26, 2022
This past weekend, the University of Iowa Hawkeye Marching Band teamed up with Ohio State's marching band for an epic Elton John halftime show

Iowa-Ohio State marching bands' tribute to Elton John earns praise from rock legend himself
Tuesday, October 25, 2022
The Ohio State and Iowa Marching Bands displayed an ode to Elton John at Saturday's football game halftime show- which earned them a nod from the singing legend himself.

Women in Hawkeye Marching Band reflect on activity’s camaraderie in new project
Sunday, October 23, 2022
UI Hawkeye Marching Band alum Laurie Canady documented the joy of 50 years of women in marching band with new project.

UI drum major prepared for audition while studying in Scotland
Thursday, September 22, 2022
“In a lot of situations, it would be difficult to do something like this, so the decision was thoughtful and planned out,” said Frankl. “While I was abroad, I focused on meeting new people, studying so I could excel in my classes, and utilizing time management strategies learned over the years so I could also spend time each week training and preparing to interview for the drum major position.”
For Iowa's Golden Girl, Dreams Do Come True
Wednesday, August 31, 2022
After earning the competitive title of Golden Girl for the Hawkeye Marching Band, sophomore Ella McDaniel has now been crowned Miss Majorette of America.

'Golden Girl' Ella McDaniel shines in new role of Miss Majorette of America
Monday, August 15, 2022
When the Hawkeye Marching Band takes the field for the first football game in Kinnick Stadium Sept. 3, it will be accompanied by the Teenage Miss Majorette of America. In July, the University of Iowa's "Golden Girl" Ella McDaniel won the title. For McDaniel, it was a decade-long dream finally being fulfilled.